

When adding a File Component to your Webform, there are a few options that should be noted.

Upload Directory

This will be the directory that all files a user submits via the form will be uploaded to. Too keep your website organized, you should select a directory which is not already being used and should also stray from using the home directory.


This is just a fancy word for specifying what types of files you want the user to have the ability to upload. Simply select the checkbox next to the types you would like.

Optionally, you can select custom extensions if you webform calls for it. Enter it in the field. If you have multiple, please seperate each with a comma (ex: "gif, doc, docx, png, png2")

Max Upload Size

This will be the maximum size a file can be when uploaded. If the size goes over this limit, the user will be prompted to upload another file before the form can be submitted.